IT CONCEPTS: Hows Host Your Website? All Procedure-Must Read

Friday, May 3, 2019

Hows Host Your Website? All Procedure-Must Read

website hosting

Here we see that hows host your website on internet, Also discuss about LINUX HOSTING and WINDOWS HOSTING. After you create a website in any language like HTML, ASP, JSP, PHP etc then you want to host that website on internet, Most of time we all know hows create a static website and dynamic website but don't know hows host that website on internet, After creating website firstly think about Domain name, domain name means that your website name, like ,, that all are a domain name on that website , So firstly think of website domain name after domain name fix then going to any hosting site like and other there you shows the the "domain name" search search box then type your domain name in that like "" , and see per month rate for that domain. see in fallowing image.

After you select any domain then you need to purchase that domain name, after that you want a hosting space for domain. You need 2 things for website hosting is -


2)Hosting Space

After you purchase domain name, now we discuss about purchase hosting space , In hosting we have 2 plans-

1)Linux Hosting

2)Windows Hosting

Lets see the difference between them-

1)Linux Hosting-

linux hosting

We all know the Linux operating system same as Linux Hosting is available,  But that Linux Hosting not free like Linux operating system, If you create any website  in HTML, PHP, PERL then you go with Linux operating hosting, As compare windows hosting Linux is better security, But if you go with Linux hosting then care about case sensitivity, Because Linux Hosting is totally case sensitive means home.html and Home.html are two different pages in Linux hosting. As compare Windows hosting Linux hosting plans are less costly, But we recommended you go with Linux hosting.

2)windows Hosting-

windows hosting

If you create a website with help of any Microsoft application like visual studio like ASP,MS-ACCESS or any .NET technology with MSSQL then you have to go with windows hosting. Because most of time Linux hosting not support for that, Windows hosting is not a case sensitive ,means home.html and Home.html are same carry in windows hosting, As compare Linux hosting windows have low security, Windows plans are small bit expensive as compare Linux hosting, You also host HTML, PHP, PERL websites on windows hosting. But most of time 80% web user use Linux hosting. Because Linux hosting more security, stability, and fast access speed as compare windows hosting.

After you choose any of them plan for hosting and your domain is ready then go in your account their all ready setup your domain and your hosting plan, You just find root directory and open that and paste your all website their and come on internet and search your domain name your website open there successfully. 

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