IT CONCEPTS: IT JOBS- That All Jobs Not Require Programming Knowledge..Must Read

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

IT JOBS- That All Jobs Not Require Programming Knowledge..Must Read

It job

If IT JOBS search on search engine then most of jobs find like opening for ASP, PHP, JAVA, HTML, JSCRIPT, C, CPP and so on. But if we think about apply for that job that time we know our programming knowledge. That reason most of students not applying that type job because they not prepare their PROGRAMMING KNOWLEDGE in their graduation/post graduation level, Most of IT jobs require programming knowledge but some of jobs in IT not require a programming knowledge. yes, That sound good.

In IT lost of IT COMPANY work with help of SDLC means SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE.We know that in SDLC contains fallowing phases-

1)User Requirement / System Analysis





The whole IT field work with that SDLC, Lets see each phase job requirement in SDLC.


Requirement gathring sysytem analys

In that phase basically work as getting user requirement, Just meet to client and collect information about relate project. In IT for that phase not require a good programming knowledge. In that phase maintain customer relation and create a bond between system analysis and customer. SYSTEM ANALYSIS is IMPORTANT phase in SDLC , You can search jobs relate with this phase. Now a DATA ANALYST job requirement display in most company profile, For that data analyst phase not require a IT knowledge they only work with data analysis for that organisation and statistical data maintain with graph and PREDICT a values for improvement. In that field DATA MINING tools are mostly used for gathering data and data show in various formats. That fields is ready to entry in IT field.

Sdlc design

Major no. of students good in designing but not good in programming, That all students enter in FRONT END DESIGN jobs, Each and every website or application need a good designing with good user interface. In IT design phase is open for all of these who interest in only designing. Most of companies use for designing WORDPRESS like other types tool, So If you want to job in IT then learn that type of tool and enter in IT with name WEBSITE DESIGNER.

Sdlc coding

If you have not a proper knowledge about programming then you must need away from this phase, In IT post as SOFTWARE DEVELOPER then you need to know about a programming knowledge very well. That phase absolutely skip for those who not interest in PROGRAMMING.


Now that phase is a big packages for non IT student, In IT some amount of students also work in that  phase who not relate with IT education. After completion  their study they get a certification course in TESTING and enter in IT. That opportunity also for IT students, Complete a good CERTIFICATION course in testing like relate (WHITE BOX TESTING/ BLACK BOX TESTING) and come in IT, For that phase not require a programming knowledge .


After completion each software or website they need to INSTALL or HOST, In that phase the NETWORKING phase open to each IT and NON IT candidate. You just need to basic knowledge about programming . But you need NETWORKING and hosting knowledge in that phase well in manner.


After software or website deliver to client, Then each company gives a maintenance for that package, In that phase also need a small amount of programming knowledge. So basically DESIGN-TESTING IMPLEMENTATION-DATA ANALYSIS that relate all phases open to IT student who don't know programming knowledge well. 


Latest job opportunity come in IT that's name as SEO means SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION,
After hosting website and application they need to index in search engines for traffic. So that's a good way for IT student for jump in IT, just learn about SEO optimization, And get a good package job in IT sector. 

So, guys that all information share with you for how to come in IT sector without any programming knowledge, Be prepare about that all things and fixed your aim to wards job and go for it. If you like that post then definitely share with your friend. they also want to know about that all information.
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