Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Latest Top 5 Programming Languages In IT Sector For Job. Must Read

We all needs a perfect job in IT sector with great salary. But some time we not give overview about IT wants which language from fresher or experienced person, Here we declare the top 5 programming languages in IT sector with their use and their salary limits-

5th Rank Language- C#-

That language belongs from microsoft .net language, That language is used for creating a web form applications, web applications, console applications  and also used in gaming platform. That language is on IT at 5th rank. 
Salary Limit- 6 to 7 Lakhs/Year.

4th Rank Language-Swift-

We see the world is going with mobile technology, In that way that language is used for creating mobile applications for ios, macos. That language trend new in IT sector that language gives a good growth in IT sector.
Salary Limit- 4 to 10 Lakhs/Year

3rd Rank Language-Java-

We all knows the java platform , That platform lots of jobs available in IT sector, For java we need to a pure knowledge about core java and advance java, also we work on android application. Java language mostly used in gaming platform, android apps, web page creation and also used in cloud development.
Salary Limit- 5 to 13 Lakhs/Year

 2nd Rank Language-Python-

That language is now latest in IT sector but most of popular websites created in that platform like youtube. So that platform is also a good choice to enter in IT sector. Python used for web development,  gaming platform, computer vision and also used in data science mostly. 
Salary Limit- 3 to 15 Lakhs/Year.

1st Rank Language-Java script-

The star language in IT sector, Java script is basically a scripting language, But that language work for most important task in website creation, Java script used for creating dynamic webpages, json, also used in angular js, that all thinks make your website dynamic and user friendly.
Salary Limit- 6 to 16 Lakhs/Year

That all languages are good way to enter in IT sector, You just get a proper knowledge about that languages and make a good carrier in IT sector.

So guys,If you like that post then definitely share with your friend. They also want to know about that all information. And also stay with me for my next post update on whats-app group, name as IT-CONCEPT, just click on link for join us and also share link with friends-

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

What Is Data Warehousing And Data Mining?

data Mining Data Warehousing

Data warehousing and Data mining is most important term used in real world industry. We discuss here a real time example of data warehousing and data mining for better understanding. Suppose SBI BANK work daily in their working hour, In that working hour the SBI bank do lakh's transaction in daily schedule. SBI bank starts on 1 july 1955 , from that time to till date guess how many transaction work in SBI  bank, That all transaction data saved in one place or many place, SBI bank divides their work in their sub branch, and all sub branches handle their co-branches data and transaction, Each sub branch store daily transaction history in that branch main computer or server, Suppose SBI divides in 80 sub branches in world then data saved in 80 computer/server, That data stored from starting data of that branch means some data from 1955, That all data is important for future use, So that all 80 branches data stored in one place that all over data called as DATA WAREHOUSE. In that data warehouse data stored for SBI  from 1955 to till a date, So that all data handle in one place that's called data warehouse. In that data warehouse all data like document, presentation, video, audio, or any other important data stored.

Now we discuss about Data mining, If SBI needs a information from past data, But that all data stored in Data Warehouse, And the data warehouse is not store small amount of data, Suppose in data warehouse store 1000000GB data and SBI need a past information from that total store, Then that time DATA MINING concept is used, Data mining is used for retrieve a meaning full information from large amount of data, If you want only 1MB data from that total data warehouse, Then that time use data mining, For searching a meaning full data from data warehouse use data mining's 6 method for search data and display in GRAPHICAL format, That 6 methods  mainly divide in 2 categories-


    A) Association
    B) Clustering
    C) Summarization


    A) Classification
    B) Prediction
    C) Time-Series Analysis

that 6 methods are used for data search and display from that large amount of data warehouse. Data Mining used GUI method for display data to user and that data show in the form of graph, pi chart , bar diagram etc., And because of that the all data shown from data mining are understand very well to user. If data mining is not use in latest technology then we want to retrieve information with the use of traditional way in that also we want to use SQL-queries for data retrieve. But In Data Mining use that 6 methods algorithms with statistical method and show result easily. Data mining also used in MACHINE LEARNING AND ARTIFICIAL INELEGANCE. In latest IT jobs the DATA ANALYSIS OR DATA MINING is new tread for carrier. In market lots of tools are used in data mining process like R,R2,Weka etc., In that all tool all ready available all that algorithms with statistical work and display result in graphical format. 

So guys,If you like that post then definitely share with your friend. They also want to know about that all information. And also stay with me for my next post update on whats-app group, name as IT-CONCEPT, just click on link for join us and also share link with friends-

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Friday, May 3, 2019

Hows Host Your Website? All Procedure-Must Read

website hosting

Here we see that hows host your website on internet, Also discuss about LINUX HOSTING and WINDOWS HOSTING. After you create a website in any language like HTML, ASP, JSP, PHP etc then you want to host that website on internet, Most of time we all know hows create a static website and dynamic website but don't know hows host that website on internet, After creating website firstly think about Domain name, domain name means that your website name, like ,, that all are a domain name on that website , So firstly think of website domain name after domain name fix then going to any hosting site like and other there you shows the the "domain name" search search box then type your domain name in that like "" , and see per month rate for that domain. see in fallowing image.

After you select any domain then you need to purchase that domain name, after that you want a hosting space for domain. You need 2 things for website hosting is -


2)Hosting Space

After you purchase domain name, now we discuss about purchase hosting space , In hosting we have 2 plans-

1)Linux Hosting

2)Windows Hosting

Lets see the difference between them-

1)Linux Hosting-

linux hosting

We all know the Linux operating system same as Linux Hosting is available,  But that Linux Hosting not free like Linux operating system, If you create any website  in HTML, PHP, PERL then you go with Linux operating hosting, As compare windows hosting Linux is better security, But if you go with Linux hosting then care about case sensitivity, Because Linux Hosting is totally case sensitive means home.html and Home.html are two different pages in Linux hosting. As compare Windows hosting Linux hosting plans are less costly, But we recommended you go with Linux hosting.

2)windows Hosting-

windows hosting

If you create a website with help of any Microsoft application like visual studio like ASP,MS-ACCESS or any .NET technology with MSSQL then you have to go with windows hosting. Because most of time Linux hosting not support for that, Windows hosting is not a case sensitive ,means home.html and Home.html are same carry in windows hosting, As compare Linux hosting windows have low security, Windows plans are small bit expensive as compare Linux hosting, You also host HTML, PHP, PERL websites on windows hosting. But most of time 80% web user use Linux hosting. Because Linux hosting more security, stability, and fast access speed as compare windows hosting.

After you choose any of them plan for hosting and your domain is ready then go in your account their all ready setup your domain and your hosting plan, You just find root directory and open that and paste your all website their and come on internet and search your domain name your website open there successfully. 

So guys,If you like that post then definitely share with your friend. They also want to know about that all information. And also stay with me for my next post update on whats-app group, name as IT-CONCEPT, just click on link for join us and also share link with friends-