IT CONCEPTS: Difference Between Static And Dynamic Website?

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Difference Between Static And Dynamic Website?

In IT field most of  2 pillar are important means that WINDOWS APPLICATION and WEB APPLICATION.that 2 platform are most important because mostly each and every application divide in that platform. lets introduce these 2 platform shortly.
WINDOWS APPLICATION is that only one client are share there application with own, that installed in main PC and access that application database access individually.but in WEB APPLICATION the database are stored at central server and other all client access that with own PC.Example of windows application is DAIRY SOFTWARE or any CLOTH SHOP BILLING SYSTEM.
Now we discuss Static And Dynamic Application-
In WEB APPLICATION that 2 types are declared mainly.
1)Static Website
2)Dynamic Website
Discuss each with description as fallows-

1)Static Website-

Static website is that website only describe a DESIGN manner,means that in static website only declare a FIXED data or images, after hosting that website that data or images cannot be changed by client. that all design is an fixed manner.

In static website not use DATABASE for interchanging information from client and server.basically static website created in HTML, CSS, J-SCRIPT languages, that all languages are used for an only designing manner.

Any organizational website is a static website in that only information display about that organization.

2)Dynamic Website-

Dynamic website are basically designed for interchanging data from client and server. because in dynamic website use DATABASE. for creating dynamic website use ASP, JSP, PHP platforms because that all languages are supported for database. In dynamic website first create a a FRONT END and after that create a BACK-END means that in front end all designing are covered and in back end all database work are covered.

In daily life we all apply for jobs from different website , in that website we fill form that all website is a dynamic website.

most of time PHP platform are used in creating dynamic website because that platform is open source, Next post we discuss about open source and licence platform in detail.

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